Location: Queens County Museum Lawn
109 Main Street, Liverpool
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Tickets: $15.00
Pick up or call the Queens County Museum at 902-354-4058 to reserve your tickets.
Hosted by: Queens County Historical Society
Sixty-five years ago, in 1959, the Society hosted our very first Perkins Tea on the Lawn. This year, as the Society proudly celebrates its 95th Anniversary, we are delighted to host the Tea once again.
We are so pleased to announce that Lieutenant Governor Arthur J. LeBlanc and his wife, Patsy will be attending this year’s “Perkins Tea on the Lawn” as our special guests. MLA Kim Masland and Mayor Darlene Norman will also be in attendance.
As added special guests this year, we have invited representatives from our 5 Queens County Volunteer Fire Departments. The Queens County Historical Society would like to officially thank all the departments for the dedicated volunteer work they give in keeping our communities safe as have other firefighters for several generations before them.
Our fire departments here in Queens County have a very old history, older than our Historical Society. One of Liverpool’s early firefighting apparatuses, the Ronald Steamer Fire Fighting Machine operated by the Liverpool Fire Department between circa 1890 and the 1920’s is housed at the Firefighter’s Museum of Nova Scotia in Yarmouth and on permanent display.
We have kindly asked Lieutenant Governor LeBlanc to present, on our behalf, framed “Certificates of Appreciation & Thanks” to each of the Fire Departments representatives.
It will be a lovely afternoon of tea, sandwiches, sweets and great conversation. We hope you can join us.