Queens County Museum once again turns into a holiday wonderland with its annual “Festival of Trees & Dickensville“.

The Museum is transformed into a magical Christmas showcase, featuring over 30 modern-themed and vintage-style Christmas trees.

New for this year,  one-of-a-kind themed trees: Darth Vader, Harry Potter, The Griswalds, Lego and The Gnomes.

The stunning display of trees is accompanied by a beautiful themed village of Dickensville, with over 80 little buildings taking you through the time period of Charles Dickens and all his delightful characters in the city of London, England.

Festival of Trees 2022
Festival of Trees 2022

Festival of Trees & Dickensville Hours:
This exhibit opens Wednesday, November 23 and continues daily until closing time December 23rd.

Hours will be Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm, and Sunday 12 noon to 5pm.

Come on in and share the spirit of Christmas! Admission is Free.