Queens County Museum Queens County Museum ⇻


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Thomas Raddall Research Centre

Nova Scotia Archives

Annual Events

Liverpool….Home of the East Coast ParaCon

Privateer Days

Our Local Government

Our Heritage Partners

Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage

Region of Queens

Nova Scotia Museum

Perkins House

Mi’kmaq Culture

The Mi’kmaq Portraits Collection

Places of Interest

UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve


Learning and Discovery

What is this Artifact?

African Finger PianoThis object is proof that sometimes we get it wrong.

This object arrived as part of a donation with many shipbuilding tools.  The donor was told that all the items were from local ship yards.  Our curators and researchers identified all the items except one, pictured here.

The best information we could get for that one object was that it was some kind of string cutter.   Having no other information, we identified it as such.  However we could not figure how this object worked to cut string.