Some museums are not too keen on talking about their resident spirits to visitors but more often than not, they are there. Most museums around the world, big or small, have them. And we are no different… Our resident spirits, we’re sure, have been here longer than we have but then some may have become attached to sentimental artifacts donated to the museum… We’ll never know for sure but that is a thought we believe.
Another thing we don’t know is who they all are. We will never know their names but we can tell you where they hang in the museum building. Our museum staff, most of whom have been in this building since 1980 when it was built, have been very comfortable sharing the museum day to day with our spirit friends.
There is a gentleman who likes to hang around our Main Gallery. He has been there for many years and stands at the kitchen door while we are on lunch break. Over in the Giftshop area, we have a little girl and in the Activity Room area there is an older lady. In around the Research Area and reception area is a younger lady and a gentleman. Sometimes, they move around to different areas of the building.
Staff have reported hearing and seeing things, many times over during the past years. If you ask, we’ll be happy to share some of those experiences with you.